
The Neuroscience master’s program will provide students with a broad knowledge in the field of neuroscience ranging from molecular and cellular to integrative neuroscience.
- High-skilled researchers, clinicians and experts in the vast and ever-growing field of neuroscience coming from universities, research institutes, hospitals, and industries
- Experimental skills using cutting-edge techniques (ten-month internship in Paris or abroad)
- Skills in project management, experimental design, data analysis, and scientific communication.
- Over 50 research laboratories and facilities involved in this program
A master’s degree for motivated students willing to pursue a career in the field of neuroscience, in both public and private sectors. An access to different PhD schools in France and abroad.
During the first year of the program (M1), students will acquire a solid theorical knowledge in neuroscience with an emphasis on experimental neuroscience research.
→ Courses taught in English and in French (depending on the teaching unit)
→ State-of-the-art technology in neuroscience research
→ Methodology in neuroscience taught during each semester
→ An overall four-month internship is required to validate the first year, either a long internship abroad or two different two-month internships
Our facilities of cutting-edge technologies are actively involved during internships and lab sessions.
– Models, experimental design and statistics
– Project management and scientific valorization
– Two two-month internships in different locations (research lab, facility of cutting-edge technology, or industry OR one long internship abroad (4 months) – full description –
During the second year of the program (M2), students will acquire more in-depth knowledge in different fields of neuroscience. Core and optional modules in cellular and molecular neuroscience and integrative neuroscience are offered. Students can take one free module from other master’s degrees. See the M2 program
→ Courses taught in English
→ State-of-the-art technology in neuroscience research
→ Personal and team working to elaborate a research project in neuroscience
→ An overall six-month internship in France or abroad is required to validate the M2 level
– Glial and non-neuronal cell biology
– Nervous system disorders and repair
– Drug discovery and advanced neuropharmacology
– Neurodevelopment, from genes to circuits and disease
– Preclinical and clinical research for psychiatric disorders
– Six-month internship in an academic research lab in France or abroad – full description –
Course Title: Neuronal Networks
Course supervisor:
- Aude MARZO (MCU Université Paris Cité),
Description: The course aims to enhance your understanding of neural networks. You will explore various examples of synaptic plasticity, which result from the differential integration of synaptic inputs and signal modulation. The study will focus on neural networks both within and between structures to understand their associated functions, as well as the underlying mechanisms of learning and memory.
Key words: synaptic plasticity; dendritic integration; computational neurosciences; learning and memory
Total number of hours: 22 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 3
Optional course ☒
Prerequisites/skills needed: Master 1 in Neuroscience ; good understanding of cellular electrophysiology
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Scientific communication
Course supervisor:
- Mehrnaz JAFARIAN-TEHRANI (Pr Université Paris Cité)
Description: The main objective is to learn how to communicate scientific information: writing skills and oral presentations. Workgroup of students will (i) follow weekly seminars delivered in English by our guest renowned neuroscientists, (ii) interview them, iii) participate at an international scientific day (INC) and (iii) present scientific articles, concepts or discoveries (via talks and posters) addressing to general public.
Key words: Scientific communication via oral and poster presentations, interviews of guest researchers, team working
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Scientific background in biology
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain-des-Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment
Course Title: Neuroimaging
Course supervisor:
- Clément RICARD (MCU Université Paris Cité)
Description: Give an overview of the different neuroimaging techniques and approaches from the researcher, clinician and industrial point of view.
Key words: Neuroimaging, Optics, MRI, CT-Scan, Ultrasound, Nuclear imaging
Total number of hours: 22 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 3
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Knowledge in neuroanatomy (attending the M1 « Neuroanatomie fonctionnelle » course is not mandatory but recommended).
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Drug Discovery and Advanced Neuropharmacology
Course supervisor:
- Nicolas MARIE (CR CNRS)
Description: Neuropharmacology is the study and understanding of the actions of chemical agents on neurobiological processes in nervous system. Students will discover the recent advances in neuropharmacology and some aspects of the development of drugs for the nervous system.
Key words: Optopharmacology, drug development, biased ligands, drug delivery, drug design
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 3
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Strong background in physiology and neuropharmacology
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Neuroepigenetics
Course supervisor:
- Délara SABERAN-DJONEIDI (PR Université Paris Cité)
- Véronique DUBREUIL (MCU Université Paris Cité)
Description: The course aims at providing in-depth research-based knowledge about the epigenetic processes that govern behaviors and brain functions. The student will appreciate how basic epigenetic mechanisms tightly regulate brain development, neural cell differentiation and brain integrity, and how the perturbation of normal epigenetic processes lead to a wide spectrum of neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders. Moreover, special focus will be put on the impact of environmental insults on the neural epigenome and neural cell fate during development and in a lifetime manner, to the protective responses, which underlies the proper brain functions.
Key words: Epigenome, neurodevelopment, brain integrity, NGS, cohort analysis, neurodegeneration
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 3
Optional course ☒ (maximum 16 students)
Prerequisites/skills needed: brain development, molecular and cellular biology
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain-des-Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Glial and non-neuronal cell biology
Course supervisor:
- Charbel MASSAAD (Pr Université Paris Cité)
- Delphine MEFFRE (MCU Université Paris Cité)
Description: The aim of this teaching unit is to learn the recent advances in glial biology and glial and non-glial cell interactions. Besides the main courses, tutorials will guide the students to perform innovative academic project based on the topics developed during the main lectures.
Key words: Schwann cell, astrocyte, oligodendrocyte, microglia, endothelial cell, neurovascular unit, cell interaction, neuron-glia interaction
Total number of hours: 22 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 3
Mandatory course ☒
Prerequisites/skills needed: cellular and molecular neurobiology, electrophysiology
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Systems Neuroscience
Course supervisor:
Description: the goal of the Systems and Integrative Neuroscience course is to provide the student the basic knowledge regarding the methodologies and approaches used to study functional neural systems. The course brings together teachers and researchers who are studying different functions on various species. They all work to understand how functions emerge by studying their respective systems at different levels with a so-called integrative approach. For each system we will consider the role of the electrophysiological properties of the neurons, of the properties that emerge from neural networks and microcircuits, and relate these properties to quantified behaviours through modeling.
Key words: multisensory integration; sensory systems; motor systems; sensorimotor; balance; orientation & navigation; basal ganglia-thalamus-cortical loop; cerebellum; oculomotor systems; electrophysiological intrinsic properties and synaptic properties; microcirtuits; models of action selection; models of learning; statistical models; principle of maximum likelihood; baysian models; initial theories; memory &learning; Hebb theory and experimental demonstrations
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 3
Optional course ☒
Prerequisites/skills needed: Master 1 in Neuroscience; basic knowledge regarding sensory and motor systems; basic knowledge about cellular electrophysiology
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Preclinical and clinical research for psychiatric disorders
Course supervisor:
- Aude MARZO (MCU Université Paris Cité)
Description: This course aims to explain the interface between basic research in neuroscience, through different strategies, especially molecular biology of genetics, epigenetics and pharmacogenetics, and clinical research to understand behavior and psychiatric disorders. It also aims to present clinical research in order to show its contribution to the understanding of psychiatric diseases and the interest of developing translational research. In the end, this course aims to show by practical examples the interest of neuropsychiatric domains in the understanding of normal and pathological behaviors.
Key words: addiction, brain molecular biology, Epigenetics, Genetics, human behavior, psychopharmacogenetics, translational psychiatry
Total number of hours: 22 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 3
Optional course ☒
Prerequisites/skills needed: M1 in science with a good understanding in fundamental neuroscience, genetics or molecular biology or M1 in health with the medical practice in neuroscience, psychiatry or pharmacology
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: RNA regulation in the CNS
Course supervisor:
- Laure WEILL (MCU Université Paris Cité)
Description: The course provides an in-depth knowledge on RNA metabolism and RNA regulation and its role in neurobiology: brain development and cell differentiation, plasticity and how RNA deregulation can lead to different neuropathology.
Key words: Ribonucleopathy (splicing disease), RNA localization, local translation, non coding RNA, mRNA bodies
Total number of hours: 22 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 3
Optional course ☒
Prerequisites/skills needed: Molecular Biology
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Brain Plasticity
Course supervisor:
- Isabelle CAILLE (Pr Université Paris Cité)
Description: Neural plasticity is the capacity of the nervous system to constantly modify itself throughout an individual’s life. The aim of this class will be to understand how behavioral experiences and neural activity can modify the structure and function of neural circuits. We will also consider how age and diseases can differentially affect these processes.
Key words: Structural plasticity, synaptic plasticity (LTP, LTD), Genomic Plasticity, synaptic pruning, autophagy, critical periods, learning and memory, adult neurogenesis, maladaptive plasticity in brain disorders and ageing, glial plasticity
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 3
Optional course ☒
Prerequisites/skills needed: Knowledge in cellular and molecular neurobiology, will to actively participate
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment (debate) and written exam
Course Title: Nervous system disorders and repair
Course supervisor:
- Mehrnaz JAFARIAN-TEHRANI (Pr Université Paris Cité)
- Nicolas GUEROUT (PR Université Paris Cité)
Description: Recent advances in the pathophysiology of nervous system disorders including neurodegenerative diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, movement disorders, pathologies of myelin, spinal cord and head injuries, child neurology, and an introduction to psychiatric disorders. Some aspects of nervous system repair are taught related to neuroprotection, physical exercise and brain stimulation.
Key words: CNS disorders, Prion diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, stroke, spinal cord and brain injury, multiple sclerosis, movement disorders ALS, SMA, Psychiatric disorders
Total number of hours: 21 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 3
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Neurobiology, neuroanatomy
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Internship project and Research Internship
Course supervisor:
- Mehrnaz JAFARIAN-TEHRANI (Pr Université Paris Cité),
- Nicolas GUEROUT (Pr Université Paris Cité)
Description: An overall five to six-month internship is required to validate the M2 level. Before starting the internship, students have to present and defend their internship project (6 ECTS) at the beginning of semester 4. They have to contact their internship supervisor during semester 3 and spend time with the host research team in order to understand their research project.
Key words: Research teams, Europe, International, CNRS, INSERM, IPNP, Neurodiderot, Cochin, Necker, BFA, Institut Imagine, Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, Institut Pasteur
Total number of hours: 5 to 6-month internship Number of ECTS: 6 ECTS (Internship project) + 24 ECTS (Research internship) Semester 4
Mandatory course ☒
Prerequisites/skills needed: Master Neuro S3
Teaching methods and activities: Experimental work, attending the neuroscience seminars
Exact Location: Research teams in France or abroad, but mainly research teams affiliated to the Université Paris Cité (see Master Neuro internship offers).
Assessment: written report and defense
Course Title: Research proposal
Course supervisor:
- Mehrnaz JAFARIAN-TEHRANI (Pr Université Paris Cit),
- Nicolas GUEROUT (Pr Université Paris Cit)
Description: To be able to write and defend a research proposal over 3 years based on a scientific publication, and fictive collaborations through interactions with the scientific community, researchers and engineers in research labs or technical facilities. The student has to write a proposal according to the instructions given at the beginning of the semester and finally be able to defend the proposal in front of a Jury.
Key words: Research project; experimental design; scientific report; scientific collaboration
Total number of hours: few practical sessions, mainly personal and team working Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 3
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: M1 Neuroscience (UE Methodologies in Neuroscience S1 and S2)
Teaching methods and activities: personal/team working (to be proactive and interactive with researchers/engineers)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: written report and defense
Course Title: Neural Data Science with Python
Course supervisor:
Description: Le domaine des neurosciences évolue vers une approche de plus en plus quantitative, accompagnée d’un flot croissant de données issues de l’étude du cerveau. Il est crucial que ce développement soit porté par des neuroscientifiques capables de traiter et d’analyser ces données de manière rigoureuse. La science des données, discipline émergente dédiée à l’exploration et à la compréhension des schémas dans les ensembles de données, joue ici un rôle central. Cette UE a pour objectif d’introduire les principes fondamentaux de la science des données, en mettant l’accent sur l’analyse et l’interprétation des données neuronales.
Concrètement, Neural Data Science with Python enseigne comment manipuler, analyser et visualiser des données neuronales, créer des modèles et simuler des systèmes neuronaux à l’aide du langage de programmation Python. Les étudiants apprendront à utiliser divers modules Python généraux et spécifiques, tels que numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas et brian, ainsi qu’à maîtriser l’environnement Jupyter Notebook.
Key words: Python, analyse des données, analyse des trains de spikes, modélisation biophysique, réseaux neuronaux, analyse spectrale, régression, réduction de la dimensionnalité, classification et regroupement, bioinformatique.
Total number of hours: 22 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Bases en neuroanatomie et physiologie du système nerveux central. Aucune connaissance préalable en programmation n’est requise car ce cours s’adresse aux débutants.
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain-des-Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: contrôle continue et travail sur projet
Course Title: Travaux pratiques
Course supervisor:
- Delphine MEFFRE (MCU Université de Paris),
- Damien CARREL (MCU Université de Paris),
Description: L’objectif de cet enseignement est de proposer aux étudiants 6 demi-journées de TP en neurosciences en s’appuyant sur les enseignements théoriques dispensés au premier semestre :
- neurosciences cognitives : électrophysiologie humaine
- sensorimotricité : TP plateforme
- neuropharmacologie: tests de comportement
- neurobiologie cellulaire : culture organotypique/cellulaire
- Imagerie : TP plateforme
- électrophysiologie sur tranche
Key words: neurosciences cognitives, sensorimotricité, neuropharmacologie, comportement, neurobiologie cellulaire, électrophysiologie, culture organotypique, imagerie, TP plateforme
Total number of hours: 31 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Biologie niveau Licence
Teaching methods and activities: Lab sessions (TP)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment
Course Title: Mécanismes cellulaires des neuropathologies
Course supervisor:
- Damien CARREL (MCU Université Paris Cité)
Description: Comprendre les problématiques de biologie cellulaire spécifiques des cellules neuronales et leur dysfonctionnement dans différentes pathologies du système nerveux
Key words: neuroscience cellulaire, neuroscience moléculaire, neurophatologies
Total number of hours: 22 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Biologie Cellulaire
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Du Neurone aux réseaux neuronaux
Course supervisor:
- Aude MARZO (MCU Université de Paris),
Description: L’UE « Du neurone au réseau neuronaux » a pour objectif de vous permettre de comprendre des enregistrements électrophysiologiques en partant sur des bases claires en électrophysiologie cellulaire. Il s’agit de comprendre les propriétés intrinsèques et extrinsèques des neurones et des synapses afin de pouvoir aborder leur communication au sein de réseaux. Une initiation aux neurosciences computationnelles complète cette formation.
Key words: Neurone, propriétés passives et actives, synapses
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Des connaissances solides en Biologie et Physiologie Cellulaire seront nécessaires
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Body-Brain Interactions in Health and Disease
Course supervisor:
- Giuseppe GANGAROSSA (PU Université Paris Cité),
- Thierry GALLI (DR INSERM),
Description: Over the past decade, groundbreaking advances in modern technologies and transformative concepts have revolutionized neuroscience, shifting the focus to a more dynamic interplay between the brain and the body. This paradigm shift underscores how systemic physiology, metabolism and interoceptive signals profoundly shape brain functions and dysfunctions – and vice versa – highlighting the importance of holistic, interdisciplinary approaches in neuroscience. Emerging evidence links disruptions in these interactions to a wide range of neurological and psychiatric disorders, redefining our understanding of health and disease.
This course bridges diverse disciplines and cutting-edge technologies, offering a comprehensive, research-driven education. Students will explore the intricate and bidirectional connections between the brain and body, delving into how physiological and pathological interoceptive processes influence body-brain homeostasis. Designed to inspire innovation, this program equips participants to tackle complex scientific challenges and pioneer solutions in both basic and clinical neuroscience.
Key words: Interoception, Integrative neurosciences, Systems (neuro)physiology, Inter-organs communications, Periphery-to-Brain circuits, Integrative and cellular allostatic processes
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 3
Mandatory course ☐ Optional course ☒
Prerequisites/skills needed: M1 in life sciences with a good understanding in fundamental neurosciences, physiology, genetics and/or molecular biology
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Python Applications in Neuroscience Research
Course supervisor:
Description: The field of neuroscience is becoming increasingly quantitative, with a continuously growing torrent of brain-derived data, supplemented by sophisticated brain simulations. This trend underscores the importance of equipping students with essential skills for processing, analyzing, and visualizing the large datasets commonly encountered in neuroscience research. Additionally, many neuroscience research projects increasingly rely on expertise in conducting advanced computational simulations, implementing cutting-edge analytical techniques and extensive database explorations. The purpose of a Python Applications in Neuroscience Research is to provide students with an intensive and collaborative environment to apply and expand their theoretical knowledge and technical skills towards solving real-world neuroscience challenges using the Python programming language within a condensed time frame. Python’s accessibility, extensive libraries, and wide-spread usage in the Neuroscience domain make it an invaluable tool for implementing research projects. Prior to the course, projects will be sought from local (Saints-Pères and Parisian) scientists. Projects can revolve around reproducing published data or implementing novel approaches beneficial to the proposing scientist. Examples encompass tasks such as introducing novel psychophysical paradigms, devising or applying innovative analysis methods for existing data sets, or creating data visualization tools. These projects will be tailored to fit the timeframe and constraints of the one-week course, ensuring feasibility and alignment with course objectives. Soliciting projects for the course from local scientists adds a practical and relevant dimension to the Neuroscience Masters curriculum by addressing local research priorities. Additionally, involving local scientists provides students with opportunities for mentorship, networking, and potential future internships, enriching their learning experience and facilitating the translation of academic knowledge into the scope of the Master’s program
Key words: Python, neuroscience projects, programming
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 3
Mandatory course ☐ Optional course ☒
Prerequisites/skills needed: Master-level knowledge about neuroanatomy, physiology of the nervous systems are necessary. Prior knowledge of Python programming is essential for this course, as it does not include an introductory section on programming fundamentals. Students should be familiar with basic concepts, syntax and usage of Python, which are taught during the “Neural Data Science with Python” module (S1 M1). This course is designed to delve deeper into Python programming techniques, building upon existing knowledge and skills.
Teaching methods and activities: Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: Presentation of the project work at the end of the week
Course Title: Neurodevelopment, from genes to circuits and disease
Course supervisor:
- Denis JABAUDON (PR Université de Genève – Université Paris Cité),
Description: This course will provide students with key concepts, methodological approaches and experimental data related to the developmental programs underpinning CNS function. The aim is to understand how neural tissue emerges and undergoes spatial and temporal patterning to generate distinct neurons types that wire together and form functional circuits. We will also provide examples of species-specific developmental features and discuss how alterations in neurodevelopmental processes can result in human diseases. The course is designed to be interactive and involves direct contact with researchers who will share their lab experience.
Key words: Tissue patterning, Neurogenesis, Fate specification, Neuronal differentiation, Neuronal diversity, Axon guidance, Activity-dependent circuit refinement
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Basic knowledge in development and cellular/molecular neurobiology
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Neuro-développement et évolution
Course supervisor:
- Pierre KERNER (MCU Université Paris Cité),
- Delphine MEFFRE (MCU Université Paris Cité),
Description: Comprendre l’origine embryonnaire et la connectivité des différents types cellulaires qui constituent le système nerveux central et périphérique des mammifères.
Retracer l’histoire évolutive du système nerveux par l’étude et la comparaison, chez différentes espèces, des caractères embryologiques et des processus qui gouvernent son développement.
Key words: Neuro-développement, évolution
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Avoir des connaissances de base du développement embryonnaire
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, Faculty of Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Sensorimotricité et Cognition
Course supervisor « Sensorimotricité » :
- Nicolas GUEROUT (PR Université Paris Cité),
Course supervisor « Cognition » :
- Laura DUGUE (PR Université Paris Cité),
Description « Sensorimotricité »: Cet enseignement a pour objectif de permettre aux étudiants de comprendre comment la motricité est finement régulée et contrôlée par le système sensoriel, via les récepteurs sensoriels spécialisés ou non. Nous détaillerons dans un premier temps les structures anatomiques périphériques et centrales qui permettent de réaliser des mouvements volontaires et réflexes. Puis dans un second temps nous nous intéresserons aux structures qui permettent de moduler et de corriger finement le mouvement et de réaliser ainsi des tâches motrices complexes. Nous prendrons l’exemple du contrôle de la saccade oculaire et de la motricité volontaire afin de définir les régions cérébrales impliquées dans ces contrôles moteurs, leurs moyens d’intégration des informations multiples et la diversité des réponses possibles.
Description « Cognition »: Ce cours est une introduction à la recherche en Sciences Cognitives. Nous détaillerons la manière dont des principes fondamentaux de neurophysiologie visuelle permettent d’étudier des fonctions mentales telles que la perception, l’attention et la prise de décision. Nous introduirons ces fonctions et la façon dont elles sont étudiées chez l’humain et l’animal. Nous suivrons une approche de neurosciences cognitives, avec l’utilisation de la neuroimagerie et l’étude du comportement.
Key words: Récepteurs sensoriels, unités motrices, réseaux neuronaux, neuroanatomie, cognition, neuroimagerie, comportement
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Bases en neuroanatomie, physiologie du système nerveux central, physiologie du système musculaire squelettique et biologie cellulaire de niveau Bac+3
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD), Lab essions (TP)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Neuropharmacologie
Course supervisor:
- Nicolas MARIE (CR CNRS),
- Mehrnaz JAFARIAN-TEHRANI (Pr Université Paris Cité),
Description: La neuropharmacologie étudie les effets d’un médicament ou d’une drogue sur le système nerveux. Cette UE a pour objectif de faire découvrir les bases fondamentales de la pharmacologie (pharmacométrie, pharmacocinétique, pharmacodynamie) avec une initiation à la neuropharmacologie moléculaire et comportementale.
Key words: Pharmacométrie, Pharmacocinétique, Pharmacodynamie, comportement, neuropharmacologie moléculaire
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Bases solides en physiologie.
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Neuro-régulations homéostasiques
Course supervisor:
- Giuseppe GANGAROSSA (MCU Université de Paris)
Description: NeuroHome a l’objectif de donner aux étudiants une vision intégrative des processus homéostatiques (prise alimentaire et dépense énergétique, maintien température, régulation hydrique, rythme circadien, adaptation au stress, etc) et de leur control/régulation par le système nerveux. L’étudiant sera mené à considérer l’intégration des systèmes et des circuits neuronaux come la résultante des mécanismes homéostatiques et adaptatifs. Possibilité d’explorer les liens étroits entre fonctions cognitives (mémoire, apprentissage, motivation) et modifications homéostatiques centrales (glucose/lactate, respiration mitochondriale, adénosine).
Key words: Homéostasie, Neurosciences intégratives, Neurophysiologie des systèmes.
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Bases solides en physiologie, biologie cellulaire
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Neuroanatomie fonctionnelle
Course supervisor:
- Clément RICARD (MCU Université Paris Cité)
Description: Donner aux étudiants du Master en Neurosciences une connaissance des bases de la neuroanatomie humaine d’un point de vue descriptif et fonctionnel qui leur sera utile dans la compréhension de toutes les autres UE du Master. Donner une vue d’ensemble des principales fonctions (somesthésie, vision, olfaction, goût, audition). Ouvrir ces connaissances anatomiques à la neuroanatomie des rongeurs, mettre en évidence les ressemblances et différences. Présenter les différentes méthodes d’imagerie utiles pour la réalisation d’études neuroanatomiques descriptives et/ou fonctionnelles.
Key words: Neuroanatomie descriptive, Neuroanatomie fonctionelle, Neuroimagerie.
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Aucun prérequis
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Lab sessions (TP)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Models, Experimental design & statistics
Course supervisor:
- Louise KIRSCH (MCU Université Paris Cité)
- Eleni SIOPI (MCU Université Paris Cité)
Description: Ce module permettra à l’étudiant de compléter ses connaissances en méthodologies en continuité de l’UE proposée en S1. Cette UE couvre plusieurs aspects :
- Modèles animaux en neurosciences (rongeurs, animaux transgéniques, Zebrafish, Drosophile…)
- Modèles alternatifs : brain organoid, iPS
- Conception de protocoles expérimentaux en neurosciences
- Analyses statistiques appliquées en recherche expérimentale en neurosciences
- Bonnes pratiques en expérimentation animale
Key words: Modèles animaux (Animaux transgéniques, Zebrafish, rongeurs, Drosophile) ; Modèles alternatifs (brain organoid, iPS) ; Experimental design & Statistiques ; Bonnes pratiques en expérimentation animale
Total number of hours: 27 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 2
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Bases en sciences expérimentales et notions de statistiques ; UE communication scientifique S1 ; UE Travaux Pratiques S1
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Gestion de projets et valorisation scientifique
Course supervisor:
- Delphine MEFFRE (MCU Université Paris Cité)
Description: Ce module permettra à l’étudiant de compléter ses connaissances en méthodologies en continuité de l’UE proposée en S1.
Cette UE couvre plusieurs aspects :
- Ethique scientifique liée à l’expérimentation et à la communication scientifique (intégrité scientifique)
- Gestion de projet en recherche grâce aux outils utilisés en entreprise (voir
- Valorisation scientifique (Brevet)
Key words: Gestion de projet ; Ethique ; intégrité scientifique ; Valorisation scientifique (Brevet)
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 2
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: UE communication scientifique S1
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD), Lab sessions (TP)
Exact Location: Campus Saint-Germain des Prés, UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Assessment: continuous assessment and exam
Course Title: Research Internship 1 and 2
Course supervisor:
- Delphine MEFFRE (MCU Université Paris Cité)
- Damien CARREL (MCU Université Paris Cité)
Description: An overall four-month internship is required to validate the M1 level, either a long internship abroad, or 2 different internships of 2-month period. The idea of 2 internships is to cover different research projects in Neuroscience. We strongly recommend our students to go abroad at the first year M1. Our international relations office will help Master trainees before and during their mobility project. For the international incoming students, we recommend them to perform their internship in France.
Key words: Research teams, Europe, International, CNRS, INSERM, IPNP, Neurodiderot, Cochin, Necker, BFA, Institut Imagine, Campus Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Institut Pasteur
Total number of hours: Two-month internship (x2) Number of ECTS: 12 (x2) Semester 2
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Master Neuro S1
Teaching methods and activities: Experimental work, attending the neuroscience seminars
Exact Location: Research teams or research facilities affiliated to the Paris University (2 internships of 2-month period each, in different fields of neuroscience) or research teams abroad (1 internship of 4-month period) (cf. Master Neuro internship offers)
Assessment: Internship 1 (poster + defense); Internship 2 (report + defense)